miercuri, 11 noiembrie 2020

Batman, Joker and the importance of masculine models



As a kid, I loved Joker (Mark Hammill), especially for his laugh and feeling good everytime. Now (32), I realise that Batman is a good guy, acting like a barometer for those that turn the balance heavily.  It`s like the 20/80 rule, in which one person can help correct a whole lot of villains during the series.  

In relationships, women value that 80/20 rule. Some days she needs you to be Batman, that knows his direction and worth, predictable and the one that can protect and lead her if she is destructive to herself. 

In other days, Joker is the one to go for. When she needs to relax and/or have fun. That character is light, unpredictable, chill and fascinatingly creative.

I think that most men can be combination of both J/B in various percentages and situations.

Ultimately what I as a man need and did not do since childhood is to have HEROES. Someone to admire.  Someone with values, to look up to and when the moment comes, to become one. Not by wearing a fancy suit, but with the right attitude!

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