joi, 9 aprilie 2020

Cum ar fi daca nu am mai avea emotii?

Se spune ca exista sase emotii principale: 

Frica, Fericirea, Furia,
Supararea, Surprinderea, Dezgustul

friEdTechnology: Use this Feelings Wheel by Kaitlin Robb ...

Extract din filmul Equilibrium,o productie despre o distopie.
Una in care se distruge orice forma de arta si frumos, datorita fricii omului de a simti, pentru ca simturile duc la pareri, mai apoi la ura, si la un moment dat la razboaie.
Extract din clip.

"Then I am sorry"
"No, you are not. [...] it`s a vestigial word for a feeling you`ve never felt."

Un comentariu elocvent:

It's funny how Equilibrium is basically the three most famous dystopian future novels rolled into one.
You have the oppressive fascist environment of 1984.
You have the emotion-suppressing drug theme of Brave New World. And you have the book burning element of Fahrenheit 451.
It's as though Kurt Wimmer was writing the script and thought "A little of this.....a little of that.....throw in some gun fu and we're solid!"

Imi era dor sa il revad .

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