joi, 22 aprilie 2021

Too good not to share and keep

 This comment was so good that I had to save it. Credits go to brancaleonifra

 There is a rule in fantasy, Brendon Sanderson wrote it. it's quite simple but effective:


today we are facing the trend of strong female characters that are strong and powerful just because is fancy to see a woman so powerful.
Man in black: the girl can do anything, enters the MIB centre for the first time alone, can drive, fix and fight whatever. new star wars sage, the girl is the most powerful jedi ever in a finger snap, no character grow or develop.

limits are what really defines interesting thing.

Ripley was way weaker than aliens.
Sarah Connor was paranoid, violent and schizofrenic,
but also: the ring is powerful on Sauron only, gives you the illusion of power.
or again, Luke Skywalker is a jedi but he doesn't know a shit about the force.

things like that. if you don't theorize some limits, you will make this political bland and lazy narration where men are just big sacks of sperm and women are so strong because they are women. with is lame and boring
to watch.

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