miercuri, 28 aprilie 2021

Despre gaming- update la postarea din august 2020

 In lockdown m-a ajutat grozav, oferindu-mi un mediu virtual variat si colorat. Nevoia de varietate, de crestere prin explorare.

Am observat ca am valoarea relaxare printre cele prioritare. 

Cand am un timp bine delimitat, avantajele sunt maxime. Exact ca si ping-pongul, ajuta la coordonarea mana-ochi.

Un lucru inedit e ca daca joc doua jocuri in paralel, comenzile sunt diferite pe aceeasi maneta. Aceasta ajuta la flexibilitate si adaptabilitate. Ca o limba straina.

Recent, profit de dopamina data de castigarea unei misiuni a jocului, astfel incat am energie in plus sa pot construi rapid ceva in viata reala de pe urma starii de bine de dupa victoria obtinuta.

Cu care dintre aspectele de mai sus rezonezi? 
Lasa-mi, te rog un comentariu. Parerea ta conteaza!

duminică, 25 aprilie 2021

On going to church. An analysis

I like to see religion more as spirituality. I am curious to learn about other customs, and not repeat patterns that I could not give a damn about. 

Church was mandatory on sundays. I hated the uncomfortable shoes and clothes that I had to wear. The reason we went was because my father loves the idea of the perfect happy family. Well, my folks got a divorce so at least we weren't going to church anymore. 

A year later, at 17, while grabbing a beer with my father, I told him I did not see the point of going into a smelly hot room with no air, overcrowded with old strangers that bathe every week or so, ready to judge and gossip at every fellow that walked in the room. Secondly, I knew the programme for every sunday, because it is the same every year. The priest could do some variety on the subject, or does he think we children are so short minded? People understand what they are willing and what they are ready to, so why bother repeating?

If I went to church, I chose my own clothes that felt comfortable, so he didn't take me anymore. Another important criteria was to trust the priest, to see wether I liked him as a person.

I did go once every few weeks in my college years, when there were no people, just to feel the silence  and the coolness of it (on a summer's day that is).

I had plenty of arab collegues and was intrigued of their midnight bong smoking, dietary religious requirements and wiew of their back home customs. many of them were half romanian and knew rhe language well. Because I was the curious and non judgemental one, I quickly blended in. 

Back to churches. It was a funny thing that the campus's church was full during the exam session, because the students thought that praying a lot will get them to miraculously pass the exams 😄. The other ones came only to study, because it was one of the quietest places around.

Nowadays, I put subtitles with similies over what people are saying regarding religion and life truths. Translating into my own words, helps me understand that we are meaning and saying more or less the same thing, but with different words, coming from the same source.

I am not attending church anymore, because life teaches me every step of the way. I always ask what do I have in common with this person? What can I learn from him? This helps with creating harmony around me, that sadly I hadn't found inside the cold walls of any church.

Nowadays I go for a walk in the woods in the weekends. I remember a picture with nature and the quote "I am going to tell my kids this is church". Sounds like a plan to me.

What I prefer in women

 What do women do that make her attractive. This is a short list.

1. Blushing- indicating vulnerability. That is an auto response. Cannot be faked.

2. The tone of her voice (I am an auditive learner from the VAK). Cannot be faked for long.

3. Good habits: non smoking, being fit. Work out 2/wk.

4. No fake stuff in her body. None of that. Makes me puke.

5. Being smart. There is nothing sexier than seeing a woman read on the train/bus/metro.

6. Having her life and friends. There is life outside the relationship.

joi, 22 aprilie 2021

Too good not to share and keep

 This comment was so good that I had to save it. Credits go to brancaleonifra

 There is a rule in fantasy, Brendon Sanderson wrote it. it's quite simple but effective:


today we are facing the trend of strong female characters that are strong and powerful just because is fancy to see a woman so powerful.
Man in black: the girl can do anything, enters the MIB centre for the first time alone, can drive, fix and fight whatever. new star wars sage, the girl is the most powerful jedi ever in a finger snap, no character grow or develop.

limits are what really defines interesting thing.

Ripley was way weaker than aliens.
Sarah Connor was paranoid, violent and schizofrenic,
but also: the ring is powerful on Sauron only, gives you the illusion of power.
or again, Luke Skywalker is a jedi but he doesn't know a shit about the force.

things like that. if you don't theorize some limits, you will make this political bland and lazy narration where men are just big sacks of sperm and women are so strong because they are women. with is lame and boring
to watch.

duminică, 11 aprilie 2021

How Hip Hop and Rock music saved my life, one song at a time

I am an East EU millenial. I listened to Eminem, 50 Cent and Snoop Dogg in my youth. Snoop was the best model ever, because I lived, walked, talk, ate my life in the 5th gear of anxiety.

I started my adolescent days every morning with Snoop's Upside ya head. I was helped by the end of the spectrum chill songs like Ups and Downs, Sixx minutes, Dogg named Snoop, Gold Rush, revenge of Jimmy Bones, Boss' life. I loved the funk like sax in his songs.

Before every major event i played "Fuck with Up" to get me in the mood. 


Rock/Metal music also provides an edge to the nice guy behaviour. Warning: do not go full retard with rage. 

In my early teens I listened to Linkin Park for their rhythm and message. My grandma stopped judging Chester's screams after I translated some lyrics of my fav songs.

When I was 18 I discovered Devildriver. It helped a bit, but in the long run only fueled my anger, pride and after those were gone, I was left with my melancholic self, not having actually done something to free myself from the tasks/triggers that I was running away from, when hiding from the world, by puttint my headphones on.

For the curios people out there, some examples include: I dreamed I died, I could Care less, Driving down the darkness, Swinging the dead, and the intro to End of the line is sick AF.

Having little control on comprehending my feelings back then, there was no need for this genre.

I feel like ending with a funny one. After ending my faculty, one night I discovered Nightwish's Over the hills and far away. I kicked my chair back and started doing pushups like a maniac. This stuff works!

Nowadays, I always come back to Metallica, Sabaton, Manowar. One of my all time favourites is Sapari, by Orphaned Land.

Ultimately, what music brings chills yo your spine is the one you need, regardless of genre.  

Have a great, musical day!

Natura studenției