marți, 30 martie 2021

Tips for the runners out there

 While on Reddit, LifePro Tips channel or LPT, I stumbled upon a post that wanted to motivate people to run for no matter how long, just doing it matters. Well, it was kind of general and nonspecific, so i wrote this. Enjoy!

The couch to 5k in 3 weeks helped me a bit.

The first useful tip is maintaining a run/walk balance. Checking the smart bracelet for a timer. My ideal balance was 1 min of running and 2 min of walking, even on snowy weather that made my eyes full of flakes.

Secondly, 2-3 layers of the right equipment and running shoes do wonders, no matter the weather. It's better to dress for the temperature.

Thirdly, pre run warm ups and post run stretches or yoga do wonders in the long term. Also a nice medium firm foam roller.

Fourthly, the best tip is proper breathing. The free video Wim Hof breathing exercise is helpful before the run. 

During it take one half inhale in sync to one step and the second to the max capacity of air with the other step. So 2 steps inhale 2x, 2 steps exhale 2x( 50% and 50%).Take smaller steps in order to match the breathing.

With this last tip I aced my October C25k in 4 sessions, not in 15. After 3k i said it works so it was cool. I finished, even with my mask on. Now I wear a buff that is even better.

Good luck out there and have fun during the run!

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